Content writing

Entry-level offering

Ready to work?

Content writing is the most simple and straight forward service I offer.

You have something you would like written.

It could be an article or blog post. Perhaps it’s a bio for your company’s Web site. Could be the text for a newsletter that you will be sending to your customers.

You tell me what you need and provide guidance regarding everything from the type of information that should be included as well as the tone and style.

Please note this is an introductory offer, and as such it’s meant to be a test drive that minimizes any risk on both sides. You get to see what I produce without making any long-term commitment. I get an idea of how much work is involved in producing content that meets your needs.

As a bonus, I’m going to give the first person who commissions work from me a discount: $50 for one article and $150 for three, and if there’s no line through the package, it means that no one has claimed that particular discount.

If you’re interested in a longer piece, or have something more specific in mind, I’d love to hear what you have in mind.



or to participate.